Friday 9 March 2018

The Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid John 14:27
Last week was quite a week for me. Well, I did not really begin it in the best way. So, Monday through Friday was not very peaceful for me. You know it is advised that we should always make the best of our mornings; doing things that will build us and create a foundation for the rest of the day, while steering away from things that may affect us negatively. Ironically, while very aware of this information, I ignored it and I decided that early Monday morning, I would stay in bed for a longer while and "meditate". So I spent the best part of my morning thinking about things that I should not have been focusing my time and energy on.
By now you can already guess how the rest of my day was; headache, disorganisation, confusion..I didn't like it. So I decided that I would not let the idea that when my Monday begins badly, the rest of the week would not be so good. Well, I was not very successful with that and all the way through Friday was not very good. Of course I was also regretting my Monday choice (how one decision may affect one's life). 

Then, come Saturday morning. I wake up and there is this peace over me. The minute I woke up I realised, "wait, I do not feel the same way I have been feeling for the past 5 days"; That must be God, I thought, the "Peace that is beyond human understanding." The worries and whatever I had seemed to have evaporated away, not because of some realisation I had come to, but I was just okay. No one else and no other power does this, except God's. Yes, I did try to continue with my routine Tuesday to Friday and I was praying too. However, during the course of the day there was this feeling of discontentment and at some point frustration. Then Peace. 

I remember one of my most memorable moments when I experienced this same kind of peace. I had just given birth and this peace overwhelmed me; that "said" or gave the feeling that everything was going to be okay. I always thought it was God who told me that. About two years later when I heard several testimonies of people talking about the overwhelming peace of God; my thought were confirmed. "Yes, I knew that was God." 

The peace of God that cannot be explained; that is beyond human understanding. He promises this to each and every one of us, when we look upon Him, when we call unto Him, in our most desperate situations, in our daily walk with Him, the same kind of ambience and assurance that Jesus walked with while here on earth; and to every believer, to everyone that surrenders their life unto Christ, peace is an assured thing.

Today I preach and I magnify the Peace from God.

 Couldn't resist sharing this "Jerry K- The Air I Breathe" 

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