Friday 24 November 2017

Who Does the Glory Go To?

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Who does the glory go to? Many times we are a testimony to God's goodness and might. When we look around us, everything we own, the possessions we have, the good health that we have been blessed with, the favour that follows us and we know God, we know that it all comes from Him. In fact, Scripture says that all good things come from God; that the devil does not have anything of his own, he is a thief and he only comes to steal James 1:17, John 10:10. The bible also says that "He (God) makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" Matthew 5:45. So we know that no matter who we are, the good things that we have come from the Lord. But now that we know this, what do the ones who see us and what we have know? Who does the glory go to?

I was reading on king Solomon. A man who was richly blessed by God in favour, wealth and wisdom. In fact, the word of God says there was had never been a person before him with such wisdom and there never will be. His wealth was also like no other king before him and during his reign. His fame had spread all over the earth. The particular thing in relation to this topic that caught my eye was when the Queen of Sheba visited. She had come to confirm the report she had be given concerning him; of his fame and wisdom. Scripture says she that she came with hard questions, but nothing was too difficult for Solomon to explain. She had confirmed Solomon's fame and as a result she praised and blessed the God of Solomon, whom she did not even know, but had probably just heard of.

Blessed be the Lord your God , who delighted in you, setting you on His throne to be king for the Lord your God! 2Chronicles 9:8

This really captured my attention, that it was in her to praise God because of all she had seen in Solomon's life. It is good that sometimes when we see the blessings in someone's life, we are able to recognise that it is God; that is why we will probably say, "he is blessed." But what of people who do not know God or the people who may not always associate the good things in our lives with God? What do we say to them when they praise our possessions, knowledge, the milestones we have been to overcome? Who does the glory go to? Our lives are a testimony of God's character and kingdom. So one other thing that I learnt from that event, Queen Sheba's, is that our lives should always reflect God, so that they can testify of His glory, not just because of the things we have, but also because of the way we walk.

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