Friday 15 September 2017

The Power in Accountability (Salvation)

The power of accountability in salvation...As open as I am presently about my salvation, what you do not know, is that in the beginning it was actually hard for me to share with anyone that I had got born again. I don't know why some kind of fear or feeling that it was "off", so to say, crept on me. Why by the way do we do that, at least those of us who've gone through a similar thing? Why do we fear to share our salvation or even simply the fact that we are 'christiany'? It always seems cooler or easier to actually confess that we rarely go to church, with a little laugh. At some point the evil one, "the accuser of brethren, the liar and thief" John 8:44, 10:10, has actually managed to make us feel like we have done something wrong by accepting salvation. Well, that inner voice must come from somewhere and definitely it's not from God. 

So I finally managed to tell someone, I considered that secrecy and fear would probably just do me harm; plus Scripture says if we deny Jesus, He will also deny us 2 Timothy 2:12. Even then I did it casually to avoid too much discussion. From there it became easier by the day. I guess though that one of the biggest fear I had, was making a mistake and then have someone judge my state of salvation; "ati na ameokoka".  I knew that I was not perfect and at some point I would wrong and I know I had/have judged people before. Soon enough, I realised that I had to fight off that fear completely and there was no better way for me to do that than face it head on. The first time I shared about my salvation on  social media, was first to show that salvation is cool and a good thing; but it was also a bold way for me to finally fight this fear. Was it successful, a big YES, I actually felt free.

One set back of trying to hide our salvation maybe that it places us at a position where we sin easily, because any way no one knows, so no one will ask or "judge". Of course, salvation is not doing things right just to impress people, but an inner change that shows on the outside. However, when people know about our state it does make us more careful about what we say or do. Being bold about our salvation, may also enable us to be more bold about what we stand for, no matter where we are; whether at work, home or social gatherings. People also learn that there are some things that you will not associate with or do, so a person may not be very willing to ask you to do something that they probably already know you will say no to. This lessens the burden of having to over-explain ourselves or lie about why we will not get involved in some things. I'm not saying that we should go around with a banner sharing our salvation, but it will do us no good hiding it.

 One of the major things that I probably missed out on for not coming out in our church about my salvation, was the immediate discipleship, I would say. I'm actually planning to checkout that program and see if there is something I can still learn. Salvation is not an easy journey; not only does it need the strength of Jesus Christ, but we also get strengthened through fellowship with others. More so when there is someone who can check on us and inquire when we seem to be lagging. How will that happen though if no one knows. Lastly, Matthew 5: 13-16, Jesus said that we are the light and salt of the world; A lamp is not lit and put under a basket, but on a lampstand; moreover, if salt loses its flavour, it can only be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men (paraphrased). I wonder what that means for us, when we are not bold enough to stand for our salvation. Salvation is a good thing. 

I love this new single by Christina Shusho "Roho"

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