Friday 28 April 2017

A 'Little' Time with the Father

The challenges of a new believer or a dormant one; you wouldn't think praying would be one of them. All you need to do is "get on your knees" and tell God what you want, rather talk to Him; so simply said. So until I heard Joyce Meyer share about the challenges that she had after converting, I thought I had a serious problem. It's always almost a relief when a person who has been in the faith for quite a while, talks about her own imperfections as a believer. You know, like when you set 30 minutes or an hour of prayer and shortly after finishing you check your time Only 10, 15 minutes have gone by; and there is nothing more to say. Yeah I know, I could relate too.

In fact, you may find yourself struggling as you try to meet the standards, which you've heard or think should be met. What I have however picked up with time, is not making prayer an obligation, but rather as personal time to spend with God or talk to our Father.  In John 4: 7-24, Jesus explains to the Samaritan woman that there is no particular place to worship, as well as the character of a true worshiper; 23 
But the hour is coming, and now is , when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
The Father's desires is not the length of our prayers or who prays better, but the state of the heart when worshiping Him; Matthew 6: 5-8. In that prayer is not something we do because it is required of us, but because we want to know God more and grow spiritually or at least find comfort, et cetera .

You know the kind of speech where it's almost like its being directed at you; Well, Joyce also made a joke about how after completing a prayer you remember that you have not 'proclaimed that you're going to have a good day' or just about anything! I know I have done that; The Father already knows what we want and what we lack. This however does not mean that we should not pray, though we should probably not 'freak out' either, when we forget to mention something. I know that a lot to do with prayers, may have created a dilemma in some of us at some point, but I have found that sticking to the WORD and trusting in God is the way to go. God is Holy, Good, Just, Love...The word always has a way of balancing itself and whatever answers you are seeking, you'll find in the word and through prayer. 

In most things, we learn and we grow, even in prayer. In this case, we should follow the example of Jesus. His prayer life during His time on earth and following the lead of the prayer He taught us. Matthew 6: 9-13; exalting the Father, acknowledging that His will must surpass ours and so on. God Answers Prayer. "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41  
Enjoy this worship "Nikupende Wewe" by Alice Kamande...    

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