Friday 1 February 2019

The Power Of Knowing God's Love

Look at what I found in the archives! wow. I wrote this I think almost two years ago and never published, just going through it was so refreshing. Here we go..

I have come to realise that the power we have is in knowing God's love for us. Finding assurance in that love. That is probably the first step in having a close relationship with God. A relationship established on complete trust in Him. In this way, we get to know Him better. You see, when we know that God loves us, when we are sure of the love He has for us, then we can completely trust in Him.

Despite the challenges, when the world around us seems like it's turning upside down, we can still find security in Him. Because we trust Him; Because we know He loves us and has good thoughts for us. John is described and at some point describes himself as the disciple loved by Jesus John 13:23, 19:26. See, I feel that this close relationship between them was because John knew that he was loved by Jesus and Jesus was probably glad about that. Because that is what He wants us to know; that is what God wants us to know, that He loves us.

Jesus said that if we want to know the Father (God the Father), then we should look at Him, Jesus. This is because He and Father God are one and He is the only one who knows the Father. A similar case as John's is David's. He was sure of God's love and favour. We see that from a young age when David faced Goliath. The Israelite soldiers shook with fear, but David reminded them of the God of Israel.

Throughout the book of Psalms it is also clear that David was sure of God's love, grace and mercy. The bible describes him as a man after God's own heart I Samuel 13:14. These are people that rejoiced in God's love. When we are sure of God's love, we become focused on Him, on His favours, the "little things" around, rather than what we lack. Like catching the last seat in the bus, in the next town, after a late booking (my experience).

Easier said than done, I know. I have that challenge too sometimes, but we can continue and grow in this journey together. It is empowering to find assurance in God's love and goodness. I personally feel empowered, not of my own strength but of God's.


  1. Your blog provided us with valuable information to work with. Each & every tips of your post are awesome. Thanks a lot for sharing. Keep blogging.
    God's love
