Friday 10 November 2017

Who Oversees Us?

I am excited about the post today. This is why; what I will be sharing today is actually inspired by my dad. Pretty much his post I would say..LOL. It is a message that made a great impact on me. The other day some people were supposed to come and do some work around the house. However, we decided to postpone to a later date since we discovered that on that particular date no adult would be around. The particular reason was we could not leave the children alone (my 3year old child and high school sibling) with people working around the house.

About two days later, my dad spoke on the issue. He said it is something he had been thinking about. Adults watch over children, guiding and keeping them from harm's way. Well yes, of course God is Sovereign and our overall protector. It is the duty however, of the parent or guardian to take care of the children; But who takes care of the parent/ adult?? Even though, at a certain degree we are able to take care of ourselves and make sober decisions, so to say, we do not have the ability to keep ourselves completely safe.

A child listens to his guardian. However, in order for the child to listen and follow the directions of the guardian, he has to know the guardian. He will know that this is my mother or father, et cetera. In other words the child has a relationship with the guardian. Again in order for us to be able to keep the child out of harm, he has to listen and be obedient. For how would a parent be able to protect a child who he told not to play in the road, but the child goes ahead and does it. If he was told not to take anything from strangers, but he still does.

In the same way, God watches over us. He directs and instructs us. Just as a child knows a parent by having a relationship with him, so do we also know our Father God by having a relationship with Him. We know that we are His children because we have a relationship with Him. By having a relationship with God, we also get to know His character and His ways, so we can trust Him. God also works with us through obedience. For how can He keep us out of harm's way if we do not obey? And not just physical harm, but even from the consequences that arise from the decisions that we make each day, each minute. In order for us to experience the benefits and favour that comes from having the Creator as our heavenly Father, we ought to obey. Just like a child is kept safe, by obeying the parent's instructions.

But He said, "More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it." Luke 11:28

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