Friday 6 October 2017

When We Say in God's Speed

I was thinking about this term "God's Speed". A term that you will see commonly used in social media updates or just in speech. What do we really mean though when we say in God's speed. Scripture says that "He has made everything beautiful in its time" Ecclesiastes 3:11. Therefore, when we talk about God's speed, it is not a reference to a particular time, people's will or feelings or a particular rate of movement. Whenever we talk or think about God's speed certain aspects should be considered;

  • God's Will
His will accompanies His speed. What is the will of God in the things that we involve Him in. What purpose and plans does He have for our lives. Do we plan and then involve Him or do we involve Him right from the beginning and ask Him for the plan. The book of James 4:13-17 clearly points out that in everything that we plan, we ought to acknowledge that it can only happen if it is the will of God; "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that" James 4:15.

  • People are Individuals
Simply because someone else did the same thing and it worked out for him at a particular speed or time, it does not mean it will work out for you in the same way. We go back to the same statement that God has made everything beautiful in its time. On the other hand, it may seem like a good deal, but you make actually not be called to do that. Again, what are God's plans for us.

  • His Speed is not Dependent on Our Feelings or even Wishes
Don't get me wrong, God cares and He listens to us. However, He may not agree about the plans that we have for ourselves or at the speed by which we want them to be accomplished. Remember Jeremiah 29:11 that God has great plans for us and that He does not wish any harm on us. So, even though He may not agree with your plans, be sure that He has greater things coming, just listen. I will also add something that Joyce Meyer mentioned in one of her sermons; that as much as faith will lead us to victory, sometimes we may just not be spiritually ready for a particular thing in our lives and God will consider this. It may be such a set up to get to a level that we are not yet ready to be in spiritually.

  • Obedience and Faith
These two terms will work hand in hand. First, you will need to believe that whatever He has promised or the dreams He has given you are possible. Then you will require obedience to move. I see it this way, you cannot possibly ask someone directions for a place you do not know and then when he gives you the directions, you decide to take your own way or turn from the directions given midway. Did you also know that the Israelites did not have to spend 40 years in the wilderness. They were set to move into Canaan after around two years, but they could not because of their lack of faith and obedience.

  • His Promises are True
If God said that He will do it, then He will do it. No matter how long it is taking, hold in there and keep growing just where you are because His promises are true. God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. "Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" Exodus 23:19. 

All in all, God's Speed has to be guided by God...

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