Friday 25 August 2017

The Power of Forgiveness

In order to start a fresh or make amendments where damage has been caused, there needs to be forgiveness. I don't think there is any time that we can stay we are starting over or mending relationships, yet there is no forgiveness. When we do not forgive it generally means that we are still holding on to the past or to the wrong which we feel was done to us. This is what Jesus taught about forgiveness, "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive  your trespasses." Matthew 6: 14, 15. That's why I guess forgiveness for others has also been included in our Lord's Prayer; to be a constant reminder that we need to forgive just as we are also forgiven.

Now I am not underestimating people's pain, the hurt and everything that they go or have gone through because of the wrong people have done to them. It may not mean much, but I am sorry for your pain. Forgiveness does not make wrong or sin right, nor does it make pain or hurt unreal. Wrong, pain and hurt cannot be underestimated, because I think everyone's experience is personal and only they truly know the pain. Apart from some offenses, which we really do not have to hold on to or let them affect us, we cannot close our eyes to wrong either and pretend that it never happened. In order for us to forgive, we first need to acknowledge the wrong we feel was done to us.

As for the light offenses mentioned above, there is something that Joyce Meyer mentions; that you have the power not to be offended. Not everything thrown at us has to offend us, some things will just spoil your day if you let them. There is  also a very significant statement that a pastor made on Family TV, especially concerning the ones around us; "people do not always have mischievous intentions towards us." I think this is a great starting point. Sometimes we hear what we want to hear and see what we want to see. Note that above I used the words "what we feel" was done wrong to us. While some offenses are pretty obvious, someone may do or say something that offends us, without the intention of offending; in some cases people may never even know that they offended us, so we are practically holding on to something someone has no idea about. So, starting with me, let's have good thoughts about others, especially our loved ones.

The Lord says in Isaiah that He will forgive our sins and remember them no more. This is the power of forgiveness; that we are able to leave our pasts behind, move forward and fully experience our present lives. Thus, we cannot say that we will forget our past without forgiving. He also says,

;but you have burdened Me with your sins, You have wearied Me with your iniquities. I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; Isaiah 43:24,25.

It can be wearing to carry and hold on to grudges, pain and the past..It is a burden. It takes away your peace and your joy. We call it a "heavy heart". Holding on to pain or being bitter, is costly. It does only take away our joy, but it also distracts us from our daily activities, from performing our best, from having healthy relationships with our loved ones and the ones around us. So first, forgiveness pleases God and secondly, while it may seem we are doing the offender a favour, it actually benefits us. Well, as Christians it is also a great way to spread the love of Christ. Forgive today to set yourself free, to experience life fully, to share in the joy and of Christ, without necessarily thinking about the "favour" you have done your offender. Forgiveness may not always be easy and we need God to intercede. Involve Him, pray about it and be honest, even about your Unwillingness to forgive. Forgive as many times as possible until you finally forgive, let go. Let it be noted however, that if you are in any situation that may endanger your life, cause you or your loved ones and other people harm, Call and Ask for Help.

In light of this topic, as a country of Kenya, I think this is where we need to begin; to forgive each other for whatever offense we think other people or tribes have done to us. Yes, an apology would be great, but let us forgive even before that apology has been made. Human beings are quite something. When you watch movies inspired by racism, colonialism and segregation, one is reminded of how far we have come. But the saddest part is that, it is almost like we are always trying to find a reason to be divided and gather into groups that may not always have positive influence. One time we are fighting racism as one; another time a country united against another; then country's-men against country's-men, on the basis of tribe, social class, religion, et cetera; another time a family against each other. Unity is better and more resourceful than division. "And if a house is divided against itself that house cannot stand." Mark 3:25  
"For I desire mercy and not sacrifice..." Hosea 6:6

This spoken word piece "Just God" by Ezekiel. Speaks about God and pain..

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