Friday 9 June 2017

Undeserving Favour

Sometime back I had traveled, but due to some inconveniences I was not able to book a return bus on time. When I went to the boarding offices, I was told that the buses were fully booked. I was getting worried. The lodging around was not in the best condition, not to mention  I questioned the security; plus the extra expenses. I could see a night spent at the booking office. I tried one of the offices and the lady was not willing to confirm if I could find any seat in the next town. Luckily, the attendant in the other office called the next station and they had One Last seat!.. left. This could pass off to anyone as luck, but I saw God's hand in it.

Undeserving favour. Sigh! I think of all the things that I should be thankful for; from the "big/great" stuff to the "simplest" things. The ones that I have taken as kawaida; so much so that I have gotten so used to having, that I may forget be thankful at times. The bible says 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that God loves a thankful heart; that in all things we should always be thankful no matter who we are; "for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good , and sends rain on the just and on the unjust" Matthew 5: 45. In fact, Jesus taught us in the Lord's prayer, to always begin a prayer by honoring God. Actually, the Lord's prayer begins with glorifying God and ends with glorifying. Our needs are made known in the middle of that.

There may be times that we chose to see or unintentionally saw what was wrong, while what was going well was ignored; but even then, when we were not thankful, the Lord did not retreat, He kept blessing. So if someone asks "what is my testimony this week?" Will I scratch my head trying to think if there are any "big" things the Lord has done. If I cannot think of any "miracles" then there is really nothing to testify? Of course not. Note the quotes in my words; because there is nothing too small or that is to be expected or that is too obvious, to be thankful for or not worthy of noting.

I woke up this morning...and in good health; that's a lot to be thankful for. I had something to eat during the day; that is one more reason to give thanks. One thing that I learnt from a certain movie is to live like every day is a miracle and not downsize anything; or at least try to. "Everyday, testimonies... Now I tell the story of how I overcame, I testify" - Ada. There are many more times which I could have passed off as "man I was lucky" or "I woke up on a good side today", but I will note favour, God's goodness and mercy. For instance, it could be common for people to give a seat to a pregnant woman or one carrying a baby. However, ever heard of a pregnant woman who could not find someone to give her a seat in a moving vehicle, coz I have.

It may not have been my fault that I was not able to book the bus on time, but I can think of times when I was late for other appointments for no good reason. The Lord was always ahead though and showed mercy. I could go on and on. I see so many things that I could take for granted, but I choose to be thankful. Nevertheless, things may not always work out in my favour, but I pray that in every "little" thing or moment I will be thankful.  So this is my prayer today, that when I unintentionally and intentionally forget to be thankful , the Lord will remind me of His goodness.
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17

"Only You Jesus" by Ada

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding us to always have a heart of thanksgiving
